When choosing an ice dam steaming company it is very important to learn how to identify a company that is using the right low pressure steam equipment. The machine we use is pictured here.
In the ice dam removal industry there are two types of companies, the good companies that uses low pressure steamers and the bad companies that will use a hot pressure washer. A hot pressure washer will cause damage to your roof shingles and compromise longevity. It is very important to have the correct equipment.
Ice dam removal is an emergency service and we always reply as quick as possible at that inconvenient time.
Ice dam steaming is when our ARTIC Steamer converts cold water into a low pressure (200-250psi) steam through a special nozzle which is designed to cut through the ice dams very effectively and prevent any further damage to your roof or gutters. Ice dam steaming is the safest and fastest way to remove ice dams from any roof. Ice dam steaming is the gentlest solution for properties with a roof leak. Low pressure ice dam steaming is the method most preferred nationwide by roofing manufacturers and insurance companies. Why, because low pressure steam cannot cut through roofing materials unlike a hot pressure washer.
Ice dam steaming is safe because these specially designed steamers turn cold water into soft gentle steam and send it up to the roof with low pressure. On the roof the user safely melts the ice with the non abrasive steam heat. Once water becomes atomized and turned into steam it is no longer abrasive like water and therefore looses its ability to cut through materials like water. Steam can burn you but it cannot cut your skin like a pressure washer. Get the point? Low pressure steamers rely on heat to remove the ice instead of impact force!
We have seen roofs damaged in many areas like this, to the point where the roof needed to be torn off and replaced! With an expensive service such as ice dam steaming, the last thing you need to worry about is roof damage.
Ice dam steaming speed is important to home owners because of the cost. How fast can the ice dam be removed? Unfortunately there is no perfect way to give an exact ice dam steaming speed.
If you are wondering why ice dam steaming is billed hourly please keep reading. There are several important reasons why ice dam steaming is billed hourly. There may be some companies who don’t bill hourly but we feel it is important to choose a company who does bill hourly. Why? Because a straight bid may cause a company to want to hurry and get done faster leading to roof damage and dangerous practices. Also it may cost you more in the end.
Visit http://www.icedamsteamingassociationforeducation.com/ for more information